_                                                                                                      Chapter 4:
                                                             Confession and Confusion

Sherlock layed down on the sofa Melody was asleep in his arm chair, Sia was on her laptop blogging John was cooking dinner. Sherlock's hands were together in a praying position his phone in his hands he looks up Sia breaks the silence "Sherlock, don't you think we should do something about Melody. She hasn't got a mother since UH killed her." Sherlock looks over to Sia, seeing her face cool and calm.

Sherlock saw an image of some one else instead of Sia, he saw a dark figure with long flowing hair. Sia said "Sherlock?!" Sherlock blinked and look back up "Well you and John can take her to Social Services tomorrow, I'll be examining her mother at the labs I need to know who UH is and I believe Melodies mother will have something to tell me about UH." Sherlock sat up and began to text on his phone "Meet me at the Hospital I need to tell you something important, 11pm - SH" John finished cooking dinner, Melody was woken up by Sia. Everyone sat around the table enjoying the food John cooked for them. After dinner was finished Sia took Melody to her flat to settle her down for the night. Sherlock looked at the time, it was 10:15pm he grabbed his coat, scarf and told John he won't be gone for long. And disappeared down the stairs. Sherlock shut the front door and yelled "Taxi!" A black cab pulled up to Sherlock, he got into the cab the cab drove off. From the top floor Sia was looking out of the window wondering "Where is he going?"

Time passed Sherlock got a text from UH "I'm almost at the Hospital, where are you? - UH" Sherlock was just at the enterance he made his way to the rooftop, the wind was flowing gently his coat gently dancing. Suddenly a sweet voice said "Sherlock!" Sherlock turns round and see's a girl with long flowing pink/purple hair gently dancing in the wind. Sherlock just looks at her like some one else was standing there other than the Pink/Purple hair girl, she continued "Why call me up here? Where you apparently died?" Then out of the blue Sherlock said "Utena, I think.... I-I'm in love with you" The wind turned from gentle to rough, Utena's crystal blue eyes began to gleam; the Moon was shining down on Sherlock and Utena as if it was destiny fore-told. Sherlock moved towards Utena he held her tight to his body, Utena could feel that if Sherlock embraced her a little more she felt she could break. Utena's arms slowly wrapped around him, the couple embracing each other's warmth and kindness; Sherlock and Utena looked at each other with their's hands still around each other, Utena's eyes shone like the Moonlight. The pair looking deep into each others eye's like there's no tomorrow, Sherlock's left hand stroked through Utena's long hair. Nothing was said the pair couldn't help but want to hold each other and never let go. Finally Sherlock kissed Utena, after the kiss the silence was broken by Sherlock asking "Why did you kill Melodies mother? Why play this game Utena?" Utena's crystal eyes stopped gleaming instead giving a cold look. Nothing was said, Utena letted go of Sherlock's waist and began to head for the door "Sherlock, I gave you time to save her. I am cruel hearted, I will destory anything that get's in my way. You understand don't you?" Utena opened the door and headed down the stairs, the door closed Sherlock said to himself "Is that so?"

Walking down a dark ally way Utena saw a dark shadow standing waiting for her "Well well if it isn't Utena Himemiya" From the dark shadows came out Mycorft "Long time Himemiya, you just went and saw Sherlock." Utena quickly answered "It's got nothing to do with you. So stay out of my way!" Mycorft looked at Utena as if he could see a dark side to her "Utena we both know what you're capeable of, you don't need to toy with my dear brother" Utena once again quickly answered "As if you cared about him!" Mycorft also answered back "Of course I care about him, espeically when you're around. You could put him at risk if you carry on seeing him. You can count yourself lucky for me not arresting you, but stop this game I don't want to see him dead when he's very useful to me" Utena gave Mycorft the same cold look as she did with Sherlock "You only use Sherlock when you're out of options, you don't care about him unless you really need him then again you never really care. All you care about is getting paid for doing a good job by sending what is it the very 'best' so you call it." Mycorft walked towards Utena, Utena continued "Sherlock doesn't mean much to you unless you really need him. And even then when you really need him he even turns you away. A bitter brother relationship don't you think?" Mycorft stopped infront of Utena and slapped her across the face showing no mercy to her "I care about him, I agree our relationship is bitter, I require him when I most need him. But don't you dare disrespect him, you can be a real bitch Himemiya!" Utena looks up to Mycorft showing no tears and no mercy "I say we're both very lucky, you're lucky because I'm not going to kill you. I'm very lucky because you know I did all those murders and yet you don't want to hurt your brother. Another thing Sherlock is a beautiful flower I can't leave alone. Cya around. Mycorft." Utena quickly walks into the shadows never to be seen again, Mycorft says to himself "Is that so?"

                                                                   Utena's Journal:

Hello Journal thingy...

Ever since I met Sherlock, I always see him with another bloke his name is John I think... I'm not sure but any ways I saw them two in a cafe the other day but I was in a taxi so I couldn't go to them and say hi but I noticed that Sherlock has a few tears in his eyes. I can tell when some one is upset when a normal person can't. I can see the smallest detail it's a weird thing but I can live with it

Then Sherlock texted me to meet up with him on top of a Hospital Rooftop where he "apparently" he commited suicide after Moriarty shot himself... I knew Moriarty before he got taken in by Sherlocks brother to find something out from him, but that's not important Sherlock arranged to meet me so I went to him. And he just looked at me like he could see some one else other than me, I asked him "Why call me up here? Where you apparently died?" He continued to look at me until he said something out of the blue "Utena, I think... I-I'm in love with you" Those words were the words I never wanted to hear from him but instead my mind went a different direction.

Sherlock came closer to me held me tight, the warmth and his heart pounded was so strange to me something inside told me "For crying out loud Utena! What do you think your doing hold him too" And another part was telling "No no Utena push him away, you've been always alone so keep it that way!" So I could feel my arms slowly wrapping themsevels round his waist, something was right and wrong about that moment, that moment could be a start of something new between me and him or could be the end of something longing to cry out for love.

NO I MUSTN'T THINK LIKE THAT! I've always been alone and will be forever ALONE! Sherlock is just getting in the way of my life, I don't need him or any one! I'm always forever alone, wrapped in the chains of Eternal Pain, the Throns of Hate and Unforgiveness; locked in a room full of Eternal Darkness and Silence. That's where I belong

Writting this has made me confused so for now I'll leave this as it is now.

- Utena [UH]

                                                                - End of Chapter 4 -
_                                                                                                   Chapter 3:
                                                                                         The Sound of Death

In the labs Sherlock was examining one of the 5 dead bodies. Molly and Sia were obsevering thinking to themsevels who could of done this to those innocent people. Sherlock took a close look at the large cut across the chest "It's got to be a Samurai Sword that did this to all the vitcms, not only that but also a whip. We're not dealing with a Murder here we're dealing with an Assassin."

Sherlock explained, Sia looked at Molly then to Sherlock "An Assassin? But these people, how could you know that?!" Said Sia confused. Sherlock looked towards Sia and Molly he continued explaining "All 5 bodies where found with all the same length cuts, the same bruises. This Assassin quickly killed their vitcms within 2 hours, so who ever did this must of been a fast person most likely learned Ninja moves so they can move quietly in the shadows; Ooo this person is good not good but brilliant." Just then Sherlock gets a text saying

"I'm flattered Sherlock, but who far can you go with me? Can you find out who I am? You have just 5 hours to work out my next vitcm and save them before they get the cut. Good Luck <3"

Molly and Sia looked at each other, Molly turns to Sherlock "Sherlock? You okay?" Sherlock looks up "Yes sorry but the killer just texted me, saying I have 5 hours to work out their next vitcm before the vitcm gets the cut" Sia looked worried as if she knew Sherlock knows something that she doesn't.

Sherlock and Sia return to Baker Street and see's John in a panic. "John? What's wrong?" Sherlock asked, John replied "Sherlock err the case file... it's... err how can I say this... errr..... gone?"

Sherlock and Sia said at the same time "What?!" Sia continued "How? No one could of gotten in here. You were here all day weren't you?" Sherlock followed on "Are you sure Mrs Hutson didn't move it? No she couldn't she wouldn't touch anything on my desk unless I told her to. I don't understand how could it of disappeared. John you didn't move it did you?"

John looking worried said "No I had a headache so I went to lay down, and as soon as I got up about 3 hours ago the file was gone. Mrs Hutson went out before you two left remember? Some one must of came in here while I was asleep and took it" Then Sherlock got another text this time saying "Only two hours left what are you going to do? Oh yes another thing I have the case file. I personally took the file myself, amazing what you can do with moving swiftly in the shadows you never know I might visit again. Keep going! - UH"

Sherlock began to puzzle "UH, this person intrests me so much but there something not right. Something is standing right infront of me but I just can't see it yet!" John and Sia looked at each other, Sia turned towards Sherlock "We've only got 2 hours left until the vitcm dies, what are we going to do?" Sherlock turned to the window looked out to the outside world, gathering his thoughts "We need to save this persons life, for all we know they've mostly likely got no idea what's going to happen to them unless we do something!"

Sia instantly said "But we have no idea who could be the next target, so how are we suppose to help them?" Sherlock looked down into Baker Street and saw a young girl running towards 221b constantly looking behind her. Panicing she knocks on the door loudly Sherlock instantly runs down the stairs opens it and the little girl runs into Sherlock for protection "Help me, she's gonna kill me" Sherlock closed the door kneeled down the little girl wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, she was trembling "She's gonna get me, she's going to kill me. Please help me, please!" John and Sia come down the stairs see the little girl scared "Please please help me, she's got a sword and a gun and she's gonna to" Sherlock calmly picked her up and said to her softly "I'll protect you. Whoever it is, they won't get you. What's your name?" The little girl looked at him she knew she could trust him "Melody. My name is Melody" Sherlock smiled "Well then Melody let's go up stairs and we'll look after you. Sherlock took Melody in his arms up the stairs John and Sia followed on after. Melody sat in Sherlock's arm chair looking around the room, she was still scared but a lot more calmer "You sure she won't get me here?" Melody said Sherlock turned to Melody "Why do you keep saying 'She'?"

Melody looked up to Sherlock "Because she's going to kill me, she's all ready killed my mum. I don't have a dad, she has dark red eyes but she was wearing all black you could only see her eyes. And her voice so sweet yet cold." Just then a red dot appeared on her chest, Sherlock turned to the window to see where it was coming from. Another text appears on his phone "Well well, yes I am cruel hearted I would even kill a little girl just to watch you dance. Indeed I am a girl as she said.  Give me one good reason not to kill her?"

Sherlock paniced inside looked at Melody she was now scared more than ever "Please! Please whatever the text says do as she says please. She'll kill me if you don't do as she says! Please" Melody began to cry, tears flowing Sherlock saw a little microphone was attached to Melody "Now I see, you're listening to what we're saying aren't you UH. There's a little microphone attached to her please you must have some care in your heart not to kill a little girl. She's lost her mother because of you, I know you don't want to kill her. Putting a little girl at risk just because you want to play a game with me. She's an innocent child who has lots to learn in life, just let her live. One day you may see her again but don't take her life now. She hasn't done anything to harm you." Nothing was said seconds went pass the red dot faded away sigh of relief from Sherlock.

Another text come to his phone "Fine guess your right I could never kill an innocent child. But the game isn't over yet - UH" Melody reliefed that she wasn't going to die when up to Sherlock and hugged him "Thank you, thank you so much"

Across the street from where Sherlock was standing a dark figure stood on top of the building the figure reach their hand to the back of their head, a ribbon was untied from the hair. Long hair flowed in the wind seconds later the dark figure disappeared. Sherlock looked to the spot where the figure was standing thinking he saw something standing there.
_                                                                                                         Chapter 2:
                                                                                                   221b Baker Street

In 221b Baker Street, John was writing up his newest blog Sherlock came up the stairs and a chestnut hair girl followed close behind Sherlock turned to the chestnut haired girl "Sia, great work today. Well you can get your stuff you want to" Sia looked at Sherlock confused "Sorry what? You you mean I can live here" Sherlock replied
"Of course" Sia with a big smiled just ran and gave Sherlock a huge hug "Thank you" She said with delight.
John just looked at Sherlock, Sia ran down the stairs quick as a flash out of the door. John curiously asked "Since when did you decide that? Without even telling me?" Sherlock quickly replied "Well she's drawn close to the both of us, so why not? She can live up stairs I've spoken to Mrs Hutson about it all ready and she agreed" John just carried on with his blog.

Sherlock picked up his violin and begin to play a sweet melody John continued to look at the screen but said "A new piece your doing there, got some inspiration from some where?"
Sherlock continued to play replied "Maybe, I met this person" Quickly John instantly rised his head, spoke back "A girl?" Sherlock instantly said "Could be." Nothing was said after that no one was talking only Sherlock's violin was playing the sweet melody, Sherlock continued to play the sweet melody but suddenly turned a little darker, the melody felt like some one's sad heart felt trapped in Eternal Darkness.
221b felt alive with Sherlock's violin playing, 10 minutes later Sia arrived back with her stuff "I'm back" Sia delightly shouted up the stairs; Sherlock was looking at a case file he just recivived on the file front it said "UH" Sia came up and said "I said I'm back! Didn't you hear me?" John said back "Yes we did but we're looking at a new case" Sia look towards Sherlock "A new case" Sherlock replied "Yes a new case, a mysterious Assissin named UH has killed 5 people all within 2 hours but each body had a 50 mile radus making a perfect dimond only one body found in the centre of the dimond. All 5 bodies have the same length cuts, same bruses all in the same places on the body, this murder very much intrests me because they have a signature mark so this murder has had some pratice in using certain items to kill a person. I need a closer examination of the bodies luckly Molly all ready has them. Sia coming?" Sherlock closes the file puts it on his desk grabs his long coat and scarf starts heading down the stairs. Sia follows quickly after. The 221b was quiet, John felt a headache coming so he went to have a lay down. The front door mysteriously opened on it's own, a dark figure moved swiftly in the dark shadows in the hall way; the figure making it's way up the stairs towards Sherlock's desk, the file named "UH" was taking swiftly away by the figure quick as a flash 221b's door closed quietly.

                                                                                                     Chapter 1:

A rainy day in London, in a small quiet part of London in a small studio. A young girl with Pink/Purple hair in a Japanese Kimono was holding a Samurai Sword, her name craved in Japanese, the symbols translated to the name "Utena Himemiya" The girl was praticing the skills she learned in Japan, she had three stands of solid ice slowly melting. The room was cold, Utena breathed heavily gripped her sword tightly and ran fast lifted her sword to cut clean through the thick ice. The thick ice fell on to the blue sheets lying on the studio floor. Some one in the background slowly clapped and echoed around the room

"Well done Utena, the sword trusts you. If you believe in your sword there's nothing you can't cut through" A short man in a black suit, perfectly groomed eyebrows and hair. Utena closed her eyes and stood up straight "Thank you Moraity, I know my sword trusts me and only me" Utena turns to Moraity "So what's next for you? Surely you must have something to back fire on Sherlock Holmes" Moraity replies "I may have something, I'll just take his only friend" Utena and Moraity just look at each other. Moments passed and Moraity made his away to the door "You know Utena, one day you'll meet him and never want to let go; He'll be the beautiful flower you won't help but want to touch, trust me."

Utena's Journal:
My name is Utena Himemyia or known to people "UH" why? Don't ask, most of my life I've been alone my parents left me when I was 2 days old they both died after being Assassinated by my foster parents who took me in even though I was surrounded by a great family with an older brother and a older sister I spent most of my time in my room because I always felt out of place. I grew up living in cities I lived a normal life until I was 13 years old I was removed from school not because I got into trouble oh no I began a long and painful journey to become what my family were... Assassinators.

A long and painful journey it wasn't easy at all, when I was 19 years old "I finally made it" so my older sister said but I had a feeling I hadn't made it something was missing and it's never got off my mind. I began another journey to find that answer... that's when I met some one who I knew I couldn't leave alone

Who knew that once you see a beautiful flower you can't not help but want to touch it

That's when I met... Sherlock Holmes